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They always say that laughter is the best medicine and you can't get better that the bobble ball.
Kids love trying to grab hold of it as it jiggles and wriggles out of their clasp!
Excellent way to encourage your children to be active and chase the bobble ball.
It lights up with a variety of colour and a engaging music sound is a great toy to hold as it vibrates and has a very colourful light pattern.
A great light up ball with a cut off timer so that you don't use batteries when not in use.
This bobble ball is bound to fill the house with laughter this summer and the kids will enjoy it as well.
- With fantastic removable nodules which can be removed to allow the ball to dance is different directions and styles.
- Suitable for children 3 Plus
- Fantastic and will really ensure a great time at home.
- Colours may vary