Early Years Maths Kit


Sale price£186.99 Regular price£233.99


The Early Years Maths Kit is the ideal resource to help children learn and develop important early maths skills. Designed for use in an EYFS setting or reception maths lessons, this kit contains a wide range of resources to support the development of mathematical ability in young learners.

Counting is a fundamental skill for children to grasp, and this kit includes various tools and materials to help children practice their counting skills. From counting cubes and number flashcards to number lines and counting games, children will have plenty of opportunities to develop their ability to count accurately.

Understanding and using numbers is another crucial skill for young learners, and this kit provides a range of resources to support this development. Number recognition cards, number puzzles, and number mats are just some of the tools included in this kit to help children become confident in using numbers in various contexts.

In addition to counting and using numbers, the Early Years Maths Kit also focuses on simple addition and subtraction calculations. With addition and subtraction flashcards, dice, and manipulatives, children will be able to practice these essential skills in an engaging and hands-on way.

The kit also introduces children to shapes, spaces, and measurement. Geometric shape cards, measuring tapes, and shape puzzles are included to help children explore and understand different shapes and sizes.

With the Early Years Maths Kit, educators and parents can feel confident in supporting children's mathematical development. By providing a comprehensive range of resources, this kit offers a fun, interactive, and effective way for children to learn and develop essential early maths skills.

Kit Includes:

  • 1 x Pyjama Party Game
  • 1 x Comparative Size Game
  • 1 x Wooden Lacing Number Cheese
  • 1 x Magnetic Numbers and Symbols
  • 1 x Numeracy Game
  • 1 x Number Ladybird Game
  • 36 x Pupils Number Street
  • 1 x Wooden Cargo Ship
  • 1 x Shape Flip Book
  • 1 x Wiggly Worm
  • 6 x Numbers up flip books

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