Large Ocean Drum

SKU: A16-PP301

Sale price£19.99 Regular price£24.99


This fantastic Large Ocean Drum is designed with a background of a wonderful underwater world over which lots of shiny metal beads roll around to produce a great sound.
You can use both sides of this Large Ocean Drum, and while playing, hundreds of small metal marbles render the fantastic sound of a snare drum.
This Ocean Drum is a real pleasure to play as an accompanying instrument, or as an melodious rhythm possibility for the hands.
Hold the drum level and then gently tip it from side to side to create the sound of 'waves breaking on the beach' shake it and you'll 'whip up a tempest' Tap it with your palms like a bongo drum.

  • Very appealing and easy to use instrument - there is no wrong way to play this!
  • Quality drum with ocean design
  • Filled with beads to produce the sound of the sea when rolled
  • Sturdy wooden frame topped with decorated canvas
  • Transparent skin lets you see how the drum works
  • Can also be played with a mallet
  • Size/Length 10 Inch

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