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The Silishapes Trace Numbers Yellow offer a new concept for pre-schools, nurseries and primary schools are these packs of numbers made from silicon.
The Silishapes Trace Numbers Yellow have the numbers 0-9 showing the dot starting point and trace arrows to help children to write the numbers correctly.
Silicon is a very strong, stable and inherently safe material that can be used and then cleaned in a dishwasher without harm.
The Silishapes Trace Numbers Yellow are soft and pliable to the touch so is ideal for younger children from 3+.
The Silishapes Trace Numbers Yellow are made in transparent colours that can be used by children in their everyday play - in the sand pit, on the floor, on a light panel and even in water without harm.
The Silishapes Trace Numbers Yellow are made in a large format and in a school friendly font they are 12cm in height for easy handling by children and by teachers for demonstration purposes or for display.
Silishapes Trace Numbers Yellow Info:
- Made of sturdy and safe silicone
- Easy to clean in dishwasher
- Develops counting and maths skills
- Suitable for ages 3 years and up
- Size: 120mm
Silishapes Trace Numbers Yellow In Action